How Yoga Can Help You Look Younger Than Your Years
Stay Young with These 3 Yoga Asanas
The sagging buttocks are another signs of ageing, Utkatasana here targets the mushy and saggy bum. Take a yoga mat. Now, stand straight on this mat. Keep your feet together, inhale deeply and life your arms above your head. Now, Exhale and bend knees. Form a chair with your body. Keep your back and face straight. Hold the pose for 5 to 6 breaths, then rise. Repeat 2 to 3 times.
This move will help you to walk straight for a longer. Again, take a yoga mat. Sit on it with your legs extended straight out. Do remember to keep your feet together, keep the palms at the sides, facing your body. It will be slightly uncomfortable. Now, lift your hips, your weight on your heels and hands. Your hands should be placed in a way that they face each other. Your entire body should be straight and form a plank.
Saggy boobs are the saddest part of getting old. This pose is nothing but creating a plank with your arms bent at the elbows. Keep the back straight. Your entire body weight will be on your hands and toes. Stay in this positions for 2 to 3 breaths. Relax and then repeat.
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